Welcome to

Cat's Cradle

by: Cherlize Harriette U. Estolano, OBTEC I-8

This material is intended for CLASSROOM USE ONLY. This was created and designed by Cherlize Harriette U. Estolano of the Outcome-Based Teachers Education Curriculum I-8, Philippine Normal University-Manila, January 15, 2022

Introductory Module

Module 1

This module is comprised of the first activity in our class, PATHFIT 1 and while doing and answering the questionnaires in the introductory module, I realized how important it is to be self-aware of what you're capable of doing before doing hard-core exercises and routines. The first activity, Gateway Assessment 1, also taught me the proper ways and posture to avoid injuries and other incidents while doing exercises. Overall, I enjoyed the first activities I did for this subject.

Module 2

Module 2 focuses on self-monitoring and sticking to the plan I personally devised. While filling out the fitness plan card, I asked and analyzed myself based on what activities I can and can't do, how long I am supposed to do them, and at what intensity I can properly execute the said activities. I also talked to my parents and did my own research about the right amount of food to take and the nutrients I would need on a daily basis to perform the activities I listed in the fitness card. I could say that planning and having a clear set of goals is reassuring and it also motivates me to continue and push harder to become physically fit.

Module 3

While performing the PATHFIT PA Diary Series, there were quite a few things that I have come to realized. I realized how important it is to be not only physically fit but also be mentally prepared when you're going to do such activities. It's also important to practice proper warm-up and cool-down exercises. After executing the first PA diary exercises, my whole body was hurting because it's been a long time since I did a whole body workout and taking the warm-up and cool-down exercises seriously is important so these instances or problems won't happen in the future. Overall, I truly enjoyed the various activities in the PA Diary Series and would love to do them again sometime soon.

Module 4

Module 4 focuses on the completion of all the activities we did in this course and I have decided to use the site "Carrd" for my final output. I also answered the evaluation form, in which there are questions that will help the faculty and teachers improve and be able to provide students with a better PATHFIT 1 experience. This is something I appreciate a lot as a student since it shows that they care about the quality of education they will provide to us students.

Overall, compiling and creating this site was very interesting and fun. I have created multiple Carrds for non-academic related activities before, and doing this for a school output was new and something I enjoyed completing. Thinking of a theme as well as how to make it look presentable and interesting was something I considered while creating my final output, so I hope you enjoyed navigating through it as much as I enjoyed creating and organizing it.

To conclude, I believe that this subject and course were much needed, especially in this time wherein we're mostly staying inside our homes, looking at the screens of our devices and sitting still for hours. This course encouraged me to start and keep moving, do some exercises, eat healthier, and be fit in general. I would like to thank our course professor, Mr. Urgelles, for coming up with interesting activities for us to perform throughout the term, and I will surely do my best to continue what I have started. Thank you for reading and have a great day!